WebGPU game (#8): Physics and Faux Shadows
Previously, we added player movement and a terrain. However, the player does not yet interact with the terrain at all. To remedy this, we’re going to implement some rudimentary physics
I’m using the term “physics” quite liberally in this post. Specifically, what we’ll be implementing is not physically accurate. This is something you would often see in simpler games either because of hardware constraints or for a desire to fine-tune the gameplay. If you’re interested in more realistic physics I’ve come across a few good resources in the past:
Axis-aligned bounding boxes
As usual, if a method doesn’t exist for one of the base maths classes, go check the source code if you’re uncertain of the implementation!
First, we’re going to need to model our primitive collision object. I’ve opted only to implement axis-aligned bounding boxes1 (AABBs). We’re using AABBs as the axis-aligned property makes the collision detection a lot simpler2.
In a new file under src/aabb.ts
add the following:
import {Vec3} from "./math/vec3";
interface IntersectionResult {
normal: Vec3,
depth: number,
export class Aabb {
center: Vec3;
halfExtents: Vec3;
constructor(center: Vec3, extents: Vec3) {
this.center = center;
this.halfExtents = extents.div(2);
get minX(): number {
return this.center.x - this.halfExtents.x;
get maxX(): number {
return this.center.x + this.halfExtents.x;
get minY(): number {
return this.center.y - this.halfExtents.y;
get maxY(): number {
return this.center.y + this.halfExtents.y;
get minZ(): number {
return this.center.z - this.halfExtents.z;
get maxZ(): number {
return this.center.z + this.halfExtents.z;
The min/max methods are convenience methods for determining the intersection. In the same class, we need to figure out how to determine if, and by how much, the AABBs are intersecting. I’ve followed the approach of first checking if any of the axes are separate. If so, we can exit early knowing that the AABBs don’t intersect.
Otherwise, we can iterate over the axes and determine how much the AABBs overlap in that direction. We’re going to assume that the minimum overlapping axis is the actual direction of collision3. This wasn’t immediately obvious to me, so I’ve diagrammed an example below. In this example, some entity is standing on the middle of a block. In one step of the simulation, the entity is expected to fall a small distance as a result of gravity. However, the entity is also detected as overlapping the block from the -axis by a larger amount.
This case is the most common outcome. There are a handful of cases where the entity is on the edge of a block and the outcome is not clear. This could be handled by merging adjacent AABBs, but I’ll leave that as an optional exercise for the reader!
Finally, the implementation of this method is as follows:
intersection(other: Aabb): IntersectionResult {
const axes = [
[this.minX, this.maxX, other.minX, other.maxX, Vec3.unitX()],
[this.minY, this.maxY, other.minY, other.maxY, Vec3.unitY()],
[this.minZ, this.maxZ, other.minZ, other.maxZ, Vec3.unitZ()],
] as const;
let normal = Vec3.zero();
let depth = Number.MAX_VALUE;
for (const [aMin, aMax, bMin, bMax, axisNormal] of axes) {
if (aMax < bMin || bMax < aMin) {
return { normal: Vec3.zero(), depth: 0 };
const axisDepth = Math.min(bMax - aMin, aMax - bMin);
if (axisDepth < depth) {
depth = axisDepth;
normal = axisNormal;
const direction = other.center.sub(this.center);
if (direction.dot(normal) < 0) {
normal = normal.mul(-1);
return { normal, depth };
Physics bodies
Next, we need to create a component which represents a physics body in our world. This component does the work of comparing the AABBs in our world for collision. In this case, I’m only actually using the AABBs to compare physics entities with the terrain (and not each other).
Create a file at the path src/components/body.ts
. We have a number of
references and configuration for this object, so to get that out of the way:
export class Body extends Component {
private _terrain?: Entity;
velocity: Vec3;
gravity: number;
private _onGround: boolean;
private _observedVelocity: Vec3;
private _center: Vec3;
private _extents: Vec3;
constructor(velocity: Vec3 = Vec3.zero(), gravity: number = 9.81) {
this.velocity = velocity;
this.gravity = gravity;
this._onGround = false;
this._observedVelocity = Vec3.zero();
this._center = new Vec3(0, -0.25, 0);
this._extents = Vec3.fill(0.7);
// this is not yet in use, but will come in use in a future post
public get observedVelocity() {
return this._observedVelocity;
public get onGround(): boolean {
return this._onGround;
init(ctx: InitContext): void {
const {world} = ctx;
this._terrain = world.getByName("terrain");
The bulk of the implementation is in the update method. At a high-level, we first subtract the velocity on the -axis by the amount of gravity configured for the body. We then divide the time step into a fixed number of smaller time steps. This allows for more precision in the simulation, particularly regarding the correctness of the collision axis mentioned earlier in this post.
For each time step, we iterate over all blocks in the terrain which could overlap with the player’s AABB. We know this upfront because the terrain is not only axis-aligned but also grid-aligned. In other words, given any position, I know exactly which “cell” is occupied by that point. We skip all air blocks and only concern ourselves with blocks that have a physical presence. I’ve set a convenience flag here for determining whether the body is on the ground for gameplay purposes (more on that later) and finally subtract the position of the body by the direction and depth of the collision.
update(ctx: UpdateContext): void {
const {dt} = ctx;
const transform = this.getComponent(Transform)!;
const terrain = this._terrain!.getComponent(Terrain);
const startPosition = transform.position.clone();
this.velocity.y -= this.gravity * dt;
this._onGround = false;
const steps = 6;
const velocityPerStep = this.velocity.mul(dt / steps);
for (let step = 0; step < steps; step++) {
transform.position = transform.position.add(velocityPerStep);
const bodyAabb = new Aabb(transform.position.add(this._center), this._extents);
const minCoords = new Vec3(bodyAabb.minX, bodyAabb.minY, bodyAabb.minZ).map(x => Math.floor(x));
const maxCoords = new Vec3(bodyAabb.maxX, bodyAabb.maxY, bodyAabb.maxZ).map(x => Math.floor(x));
for (let i = minCoords.x; i <= maxCoords.x; i++) {
for (let j = minCoords.y; j <= maxCoords.y; j++) {
for (let k = minCoords.z; k <= maxCoords.z; k++) {
const block = terrain?.getBlockAabb(new Vec3(i, j, k));
if (block) {
const { normal, depth } = bodyAabb.intersection(block);
if (depth == 0) {
this._onGround = this._onGround || (normal.y < 0 && this.velocity.y < 0);
if (this._onGround) {
this.velocity.y = 0;
transform.position = transform.position.sub(normal.mul(depth));
// Update AABB absolute center to match new position
bodyAabb.center = transform.position.add(this._center);
// Prevent physics bodies from falling through the map.
const bottom = 1 - this._center.y + this._extents.y / 2;
if (transform.position.y <= bottom) {
transform.position.y = bottom;
this.velocity.y = 0;
this._onGround = true;
this._observedVelocity = transform.position.sub(startPosition).div(dt);
You’ll notice I called a non-existent method to generate the AABB for a given terrain block. This is achieved by determining the block coordinate and then mapping the coordinate to match the actual position of the block for the AABB.
getBlockAabb(coord: Vec3): Aabb | undefined {
const intCoord = coord.map(Math.floor);
const index = Terrain.index(intCoord.x, intCoord.y, intCoord.z);
if (index !== undefined) {
const block = this._blocks[index];
if (block != Block.Air) {
return new Aabb(intCoord.map(c => c + 0.5), Vec3.fill(1));
return undefined;
Putting it all together
With all of this in place, we can attach the body to our player in
export function newPlayer(world: World): Entity {
const transform = new Transform();
// move the player a little bit higher off the ground
transform.position.y = 8;
return new Entity("player")
.withComponent(new Body());
Then, we can make changes to the player controller to move it via the body instead. We’ll even add a jump action!
export class PlayerController extends Component {
private _speed: number = 4;
private _jumpSpeed = 5;
private _body?: Body;
init(_: InitContext): void {
this._body = this.getComponent(Body);
update(ctx: UpdateContext): void {
if (direction.magnitudeSquared() > 0.1) {
direction = direction.normal();
// this used to be a direct update to the transform
this._body!.velocity.x = this._speed * direction.x;
this._body!.velocity.z = this._speed * direction.y;
} else {
this._body!.velocity.x = 0;
this._body!.velocity.z = 0;
// let the player jump if it's on the ground
if (input.keyDown(" ") && this._body!.onGround && this._body!.velocity.y <= 0) {
this._body!.velocity.y = this._jumpSpeed;
Faux shadows
Now that we’ve got something resembling physical interaction, with a player that can jump, how do we actually know where the player is in space? Without shadows, I really can’t tell.
Now, it’s probably best to implement a shadow map4 to get the best results, but to minimize the complexity and time to finish this project I’m opting for a simple rectangle which renders a circle-like shape below the player. Grab the updated texture to ensure you have it too! My implementation is also not ideal as the shadow can “float” above the air. I think that the use of a stencil buffer5 on the -up direction with unshaded cylinders would produce the best visual result, but this also makes the implementation a bit too big for a blog post.
We’re going to model the shadows as standalone entities as they need to have
have a position in the world, be rendered and have some specialized behaviour.
We already have machinery in place for the first two, so we really just need to
write the specialized Shadow
component. I’m going to comment the reasoning
in-line as it’s a surprisingly simple component! Starting in a file under
const MAX_DELTA = 5;
export class Shadow extends Component {
private _transform?: Transform;
private _targetName: string;
maxScale: number;
constructor(targetName: string, maxScale: number) {
this._targetName = targetName;
this.maxScale = maxScale;
init(_ctx: InitContext): void {
this._transform = this.getComponent(Transform);
update(ctx: UpdateContext): void {
const {world} = ctx;
const target = world.getByName(this._targetName);
const terrain = world.getByName("terrain")?.getComponent(Terrain);
// delete the shadow if the target no longer exists.
if (!target) {
const targetPosition = target.getComponent(Transform)!.position;
this._transform!.position = targetPosition.clone();
const x = this._transform!.position.x;
const z = this._transform!.position.z;
// starting at the target's y position, work downards until we hit a non-air
// block
for (let j = Math.floor(this._transform!.position.y); j >= 0; j--) {
if (terrain!.getBlock(new Vec3(x, j, z))) {
// put the shadow slightly above the block to avoid z-fighting
this._transform!.position.y = j + 1.01;
// scale the shadow (up to a limit) based on how far the target entity is
// from the ground/shadow.
const clamped = clamp(0, MAX_DELTA, targetPosition.y - this._transform!.position.y);
const ratio = (MAX_DELTA - clamped) / MAX_DELTA;
const halfScale = this.maxScale / 2;
this._transform!.scale = Vec3.fill(ratio * halfScale + halfScale);
The world does not yet have the removeEntity
method, so just add that:
removeEntity(name: string): boolean {
return this._entities.delete(name);
Create a new file under the path src/entities/shadow.ts
including all of our
required components:
let shadowCount = 0;
export function newShadow(world: World, targetName: string, maxScale: number = 0.8): Entity {
const transform = new Transform();
const texture = world.getResource(GpuResources)!.texture;
return new Entity(`shadow${++shadowCount}`)
.withComponent(new Shadow(targetName, maxScale))
.withComponent(new Mesh(upPlane(texture, 10)));
This upPlane
is a new vertex list that I’ve added to a file under
. I’ve also moved the original plane
function into this file.
export function plane(texture: GPUTexture, index: number) {
return [
new Vertex(new Vec3(-0.5, -0.5, 0), uvFromIndex(index, 0.0, 1.0, texture)),
new Vertex(new Vec3(0.5, -0.5, 0), uvFromIndex(index, 1.0, 1.0, texture)),
new Vertex(new Vec3(0.5, 0.5, 0), uvFromIndex(index, 1.0, 0.0, texture)),
new Vertex(new Vec3(-0.5, 0.5, 0), uvFromIndex(index, 0.0, 0.0, texture)),
export function upPlane(texture: GPUTexture, index: number) {
return [
new Vertex(new Vec3(-0.5, 0, 0.5), uvFromIndex(index, 0.0, 1.0, texture)),
new Vertex(new Vec3(0.5, 0, 0.5), uvFromIndex(index, 1.0, 1.0, texture)),
new Vertex(new Vec3(0.5, 0, -0.5), uvFromIndex(index, 1.0, 0.0, texture)),
new Vertex(new Vec3(-0.5, 0, -0.5), uvFromIndex(index, 0.0, 0.0, texture)),
Lastly, we modify the signature of the player entities newPlayer
method to
include the shadow as a returned entity:
export function newPlayer(world: World): Entity[] {
const player = new Entity("player")
const shadow = newShadow(world, "player");
return [player, shadow];
This means we need to update the world initialization in the main.ts
Finally, we end up with the following beautiful shadow (lalala I can’t hear you telling me its ugly).
Normally, I link the Git tree at the specific commit, but this post covers two commits, so I’ve linked them directly.
Otherwise, you would have to leverage the separating axis theorem. ↩
We could use the “observed” velocity as another heuristic for determining the axis of collision, but minimum overlap was sufficient in my testing. ↩
The wikipedia article gives a very straightforward explanation, so I’ll skip that for this post. I might do a supplemental post in the future actually wiring up this method. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shadow_mapping ↩